Personal healing journey

TODAY (July 5th, 2021) VS. THEN (Pictures at bottom of page)

TODAY VS. THEN (Pictures at bottom of page)— I share all of these photos to express the outward result of inner turmoil.

As of today, my journey of healing has been smoothly flowing since July of 2018. After going fully vegan March of 2018 to try and clear up my acne, chronic fatigue, bloating and every other symptom you can name under the sun; changing up only what I was eating was not fully doing the trick, although, it did help some. This turned into my awakening and continuous journey of realigning myself holistically while receiving a certification as a Holistic Health Coach and body worker, simultaneously.

About a year leading up to July of 2018, my life had been full of chronic stress and worry. I was in such a cruddy space in my life— mind, body and spirit. It hadn’t entirely clicked with me yet that my toxic jobs, my thoughts + mindset, chronic stress, emotional baggage, low sense of self-worth, relationship hardships, subconscious disordered ways of eating and losing my feeling/vision of purpose were the reasons why I was getting so sick and had troubled skin. I was embarrassed, I felt lost and hopeless. I didn’t like leaving the house and wouldn’t unless I was wearing copious amount of make-up to cover everything up. I had strayed so far away from myself. I continuously dealt with all of the symptoms that I had until the end of July 2018 (Then some divergent, more gentle stuff came up in January of 2021.. I found myself in a funky rut again). It had gotten to the point of accepting that this was completely normal to function and live like this because it had slowly progressed over that last three years until everything was at it’s worst. I truly thought that I would feel like this for the rest of my life. But soon enough, I had more than enough. I knew deep down that this wasn’t the proper way to function; it was NOT normal even though it became my “normal”. I was beyond over living in this tiny, suffocating box where I felt so powerless and worthless.

After receiving an intuitive message at the beginning of July 2018 from a woman who is my spiritual life coach/therapist, she had felt that I had a couple of chronic/autoimmune diseases, and suggested that I meet with a naturopathic doctor and get an EDS screening done. I had visited a western doctor multiple times which left me with very limited and masked solutions; digging to the root wasn’t approached or encouraged, ever. So, desperately, I booked an appointment with this wonderful doctor and her message was correct. During my visit, my doctor performed an electrodermal screening: A combination of Western technology, with Eastern Chinese medicine’s knowledge. To perform this testing, a technological machine is used that contains two probes to test all energy meridians in your body through your hand’s acupuncture points to detect any and all disease in your body. It clarified that I had SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth), Leaky Gut Syndrome, Level 2 (Of 4) Epstein-Barr Virus (Mono), and an overload of Heavy Metal Toxins throughout my entire body. For three months, I had a monthly visit with my naturopathic doctor to re-test and incorporate new supplements that resonated with my body through the testing and dis-ease that I was enduring to ultimately detox, rebalance my body, and heal naturally including, diet change, shadow work and focusing on my emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, too.

I quickly began to progress, feel so damn good, and return to myself.. even my skin was immensely clear, too— the clearest it had ever been. Then, in January of this year (2021), I found myself becoming slightly unbalanced again. I was putting so much pressure and stress upon myself surrounding my career and the simplicity of love for myself, including going through romantic relational issues that I developed dis-ease within my body again, which in turn caused my skin to breakout, but not nearly as bad as I was at the beginning of my journey in March of 2018. I returned to my naturopathic doctor at the end of March, then again in May.

With all of that being said, I personally have discovered and integrated that when we get into harsh and unhealthy grooves of stress, our bodies react very loudly and create physical dis-ease(s); everything is deeply and truly connected; listen. During my Holistic Health Coaching program in 2018, I had learned that 96% of all disease is stress related and my oh my, is that accurate as fuck. I had allowed myself to get in such a deep state of stress that it truly had become my middle name. I didn't know how to live without it. Instead of surrendering and trusting my entire path, including letting go of what didn’t serve me and all of the emotional baggage carried; I tried to control everything and couldn’t enjoy the ebbs and flows of this beautiful life that we are gifted with due to this debilitating force.

Now, today and everyday, I am on a continuous, surrendered mission to consciously and slowly expand my mind, body and soul— to become my most favorite version of myself. I have come to the conclusion that this journey of mine has not come to its final destination, but is a never-ending discovery of guiding myself further into an aligned and uplifted way of being and living. Overall, my skin has taught me more about myself and this life than I would have ever imagined and being immensely stressed has been the number one culprit. I am beyond grateful to have endured this intense, yet deeply beautiful journey. I am returning to myself. A return to the roots; deeply, naturally and powerfully. I have found what lights me up and how to dance my way into my power. Now, in turn, I guide others do the same.

Equilibrium in your overall health is viable.

Thank you for taking the time to read my “simplified” story. I appreciate your presence.

Left: January 7th, 2018, Right: February 7th, 2018. Skin at about it’s worst.

Left: January 7th, 2018, Right: February 7th, 2018. Skin close to it’s worst.

February 7th, 2018. Skin close to it’s worst.

February 13th, 2018. Skin at about it’s worst.

February 13th, 2018. Skin close to it’s worst.

February 7th, 2018. Skin close to it’s worst.