Welcome to my blog— I am grateful to have you here in this space.


You are a purpose housed within human flesh—A meat suit that won’t disintegrate until you decease because every single part of you has such a distinct, unique motive. You are bravery caged within two hundred and six bones. You are love and light vibrating and pumping inside of your heart persistently. You are a beautiful whirlwind of emotions that dance through your veins endlessly. You are a cosmic entity of an ever-flowing bundle of energy that is on a journey of self-expression, passion, fearlessness and truth.

 As humans, what we are capable of, and the energy that we create for the universe and ourselves is incredibly powerful. It is unfathomable. If you choose to progress and shift in the direction of accepting and embracing every piece of your essence, including what you’re here to create and share through love and light; you will never question or second guess your “worth”. To merely exist is worth. You are the definition of worth. You are here to create and manifest the life that you deserve- a life that suits your passion and cravings.

For the remainder of the year 2018, I challenge you to take more time to truly get to know yourself. Most of this year for many of us has been spent in utter confusion, hurting, learning, unfolding and the start of the becoming. For the remainder of this year, get a good grip and brutally honest feel of who you are throughout all of your quiddities, crooks and crannies. There is so much planted deep within you that you have yet discovered or have chosen to cram into the dark to deal with later for personal reasons, and that is OKAY. We are all liable, including me. But remember, darkness is your light, too. Remember, flowers only bloom from down under. Everything is your teacher, preacher and believer, whether you think so or not.

I want you to choose to be conscious of your good, your bad, your love, your light, your ache and your traumas. All so that you can be in mastery of cutting the dead flowers and continuously planting the garden of your journey, future, power and purpose.

We're All Neighbors

Honey and Glue