Welcome to my blog— I am grateful to have you here in this space.

Honey and Glue

At the end of each day, I recognize and accept three things that brought me a sense of inspiration, happiness, warmth, comfort, love and light. The good stuff that fills me up and makes me feel more than alive than what’s housed inside of my body. Things above and beyond my physical existence. Something indescribable.

At the end of each day, I recognize and accept three things that made me feel icky, disconnected, sad, angry and broken. The stuff that brought me down, and made my soul hurt a little bit. All things negative, unreal and unfaithful to my pure essence and core beliefs.

I soak up the first three. Forever stick them to my body like honey and glue. Consume and keep them like a sweet treat or an art project that I’m proud to exhibit. I discard the next three. I cleanse them from the pores of my body as if I’m peeling a full body mask off of me. They are not welcome in this temple of mine, they are not a part of who I am. Everyday, life can be both uplifting and disheartening, jam-packed into twenty-four hours for each and every one of us. Oh- the balance. Whether these encounters affect you physically, verbally, mentally or spiritually; only we can choose what we wish to keep and let go of. What we would like to welcome in, and the stuff that we should dispose of.

At the end of each day, I am full, I am grounded, I am at peace, I am free. Are you?


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