Welcome to my blog— I am grateful to have you here in this space.

I Am Not My Body

I don’t want to be looked at as an image; I want to be looked at as listened to, heard and understood. I want to be known for my soul and all of who I am under this skin and flesh of mine. I am not my body. My body is my soul’s home. My physical appearance will never define what I’m worth, who I am as a person and what I’m here to create. 

I want to empower people through my thoughts that travel their way into palpable, astonishing encouragement. I want to be someone you can plummet to when you feel that nobody else can grasp you. I want to give you pieces of divine guidance, scribble out equations on how to unapologetically be yourself, hand you a pamphlet that will direct you to a warm and safe place within your heart, write a storybook that will escort you to listen to the core of your soul, and shake your hand so firmly that your essence falls into a deep hole of self-acceptance that vibrates into existence and never fades.

I’m here to translate things that don’t make sense anymore because society broke all of it down into grains of nonsense, chaos, hate and ache. I want to piece together all things lovely that have been twisted and tied into unhealthy knots within your gut that make you feel lesser than you should. Strip you free from the prison you’ve dragged your higher power and potential into. Glue together the slices of brilliance you've carried within you that were shattered into a million slivers.

I want to bring you home to your true calling, the true you. You are a sanctuary, you are divine, you are loved and you are seen. I am here, I am with you.

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