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Reclaim Your Fire

“Enough of being silent”

“No more concealing”

“Stop keeping everything to yourself”

A few things that I have been becoming more friendly and familiar with lately.

It is crucial that we shine and do whatever it is that makes us feel complete. Every time we speak, live and be our truth, we give birth to ourselves. We are creating and becoming the parts of us that have been waiting to break through and breathe under the surface of fear, of doubt and of disbelief. How much do you hold yourself back? Hold things in? In life, in self expression, in creation, in love? With your body and your voice. Things that are left unsaid, undone and trapped within your body.

Your power, purpose, voice and strength to do so have been sourced within you ever since your heart started beating and you took your very first breath. Who were you before any sort of corrupt took a hold and halt on your essence? What causes you to stay small, quiet and down about who you are? What and who took capacity of your energy, and sense of self-worth and purpose?

Find your center. Grasp yourself again. Do whatever it takes to do so. Ricochet yourself from attachments and blockages. Cut cords and the ties. Free yourself from anything that doesn’t serve your highest good.

Most importantly: OWN yourself. You’re already there. It deeply and thoroughly is only you that has forever been there. Your spirit and center never comes and goes. It is the forces that you allow to have pressure and impact upon your mastery that make you feel that you have. We all have a spark within us to share. Start your fire and burn so bright that all things murky that come in contact disintegrate.

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