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The Power of Forgiveness and What It Can Do for Your Physical Well-Being

Holding onto stress, a grudge, loathe and anger amongst yourself that is aimed towards other people, including yourself and situations that have caused you to feel hurt, betrayed, disappointed and disgusted can cause a lot of detriment to your all-around well-being. Physically being one of the bigger aspects- in my opinion. Trapping these emotions in a negative approach is like letting a big dead bug cement itself inside of you, causing you to feel physically ill.

I am neither a doctor, nor a scientist- but as someone studying holistic health and being a living, breathing example of proof that you can become physically ill from not allowing yourself to forgive and let go. Physical symptoms can include digestive malfunction, constipation, inflammation, fatigue, anxiety, acne and energetic pain throughout the body- just to name a few. Although, there have been studies that have shown proof of what engulfing yourself with destructive emotion and baggage can truly do to your body. You can dig deeper into that if you wish.

Sometimes forgiving is HARD, it really is. Having to pull yourself out of the oppression you may have drowned and deeply rooted yourself into for a long period of time as a complete habit can feel like a chore that you will never get to or accomplish. I get it. Forgiving doesn’t necessarily mean that you let yourself or someone off of the hook or that you forget what has happened to you or what you have done to yourself. Instead, you are giving up the suffering; you are setting yourself free from toxicity and leaving whatever may have been holding you hostage behind. The Power of Forgiving has allowed me to detox, reset and become a newer and better version of myself. I feel free. I encourage you to incorporate forgiveness into your daily existence. And whether it is big or small; it makes a significant impact, more than you’d think. Stop yourself when you feel that you are holding these things hostage and take a moment to breathe and thank the person or situation for what it has taught you, then imagine yourself cutting the cord with a giant pair of scissors between you and that entity.

When you choose to forgive, make sure that you do so with compassion, with love and with empathy for yourself and for others. Develop this into your practice as a way of accepting your thoughts and feelings of allowing yourself to be unwilling to forgive and let go. Become conscious of the feelings you grasp onto from time-to-time. Turn them into pure acceptance and resignation of harm through your powerful thoughts and abilities to diminish. Gently love yourself and be grateful for this human experience that we get the privilege to acquire and achieve.

The Power of Forgiveness is paramount to your health. Indulge yourself in it.


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